The Bowling Buddies smile up to the camera during their annual seaason-ending banquet at Sunrise Park.
The Jimmy Deren Memorial/Bowling Buddie group celebrated their terrific thirty-week long season at our year-end banquet at beautiful Sunrise Park on May 9. It was a perfect weather day, and we transformed the Sunrise Pavilion into a beach-themed tropical paradise for an evening of fun.
Our special banquet was a celebration of all the incredible achievements that the Bowling Buddies and volunteers have exhibited throughout the season. Good times and smiles were abundant as the group danced, did the Limbo and Conga dances, and enjoyed a delicious BBQ with all the fixings.
Each of the athletes was awarded a special trophy engraved with their High Game Score, and special partners/volunteers were also recognized. The overall team winners were also awarded with specially engraved plaques. The team- “Straight Shooters” took the overall team win over the nine other teams. The members are: Arianna Mueller, Matt Kozaczka, Lise Howe, Tom Burns and Mario Alvarez. Special trophies were also given to both Russ Weaver, who received the Overall League High Game Score for the men with a score of 223, and Amanda Rabideau with 174 for women. Both Russ Weaver and Amanda Rabideau were also the overall High Game Score Achievers during the 2019, 2020, 2021 and 2022 seasons. Blake Hardy received the outstanding sportsmanship plaque for being a star team player each week. Ed Cook received the Perseverance Award for all his efforts throughout the season. Vanise Shea (High Game Score 178) and Nick Miller (High Game Score 248) both received the Overall High Game Score for the volunteer/Special Partners. Everyone loved the fabulous BBQ that was prepared by Tom and Margo Burns. It was terrific to see camaraderie and smiles while everyone was celebrating the season’s achievements together.
Special thanks go out to Dinn Brothers of West Springfield for the trophy engraving, and to Spare Time Lanes for helping make the season great. If you and your family are looking for a great place to bowl and have a fun day out, Spare Time Lanes in Windsor Locks is the perfect place. Lastly, huge thanks go out to our Special Partners and volunteers, including Bernice Hollander and volunteer DJ Kevin Landolina, who help make the program possible.
The Parks and Recreation Department’s weekly bowling program is the longest (in duration) program offered through the department, and the group diligently has practiced each Tuesday since September for thirty weeks at Spare Time Lanes in Windsor Locks. Many of the participants also competed and trained in the Special Olympics Competitions earlier this year and represented Suffield well while winning many gold medals and achieving high scores. If you are interested in participating as an athlete or volunteering as a Special Partner for the 2022/2023 season, please contact Donna Carney-Bastrzycki, Director of Special Programs at dcarney@suffieldct.gov or 860- 668-3862. We have many other fun activities and outings planned throughout the year for the group.
Suffield Family Recreation Complex is complete and open, just in time for summer fun. Be sure to check out and enjoy the newly finished multi-sport outdoor facility featuring six Pickleball, three tennis and two basketball courts, that is located behind both McAlister and the Middle School.
Register For Summer
Programs with the
Suffield Parks and
Recreation Department
Are you looking for great programs for your family to make 2023 the best summer ever? We have a variety of fun programs for the whole family right here in Suffield with the Parks and Recreation Department. With affordable prices, attentive staff and programs that will make you and your family smile, summer is sure to be unforgettable. For a full listing of all of our programs please visit suffieldrec.com. If you have any questions, please contact 860-668-3862. There are a variety of new enjoyable camps and programs for the whole family.