Selected from the pages of the Windsor Locks Journal and lightly annotated by Wendy Taylor, Kent Memorial Library.
July 6
Suffield has been featured on the front page of the city papers for the past day or two as the result of several ill-chosen remarks by Charles Zublin, the speaker at the Suffield Chautauqua…Dr. Zublin was advertised to speak on “Europe Going or Coming.” He told of a trip to Europe last year, where he spent considerable time in France and Germany…
He said that the only real Americans were those that came to this country from foreign shores – those born here were accidents.
July 13
Stanley Mudlesk was before Justice Sikes…charged with assault with attempt to kill. Mudlesk, while holding a revolver at the Hatheway & Steane farm in West Suffield, shot a fellow laborer, the bullet going through his shoulder. Mudlesk claimed that the discharge of the weapon was accidental.
July 26
John Janik of Boston Neck, has a young cat which…recently became the proud mother of three kittens. Mr. Janik went to the box where the feline family was ensconced and found that with the kittens was a contented young wild rabbit, just about the size of the kittens.
Hugh Bass of Unionville, with his family is spending a vacation at G. D. Austin’s. As he is the owner of a radio, he entertains his friends and neighbors with it… They had the pleasure of listening to the services held in an Episcopal church at Schenectady, N.Y. A few evenings later they heard a fine singer in Springfield.
July 27
The continued case of Stanley Mudlesn, who two weeks ago was before the town court on a charge of assault with attempt to murder, when he shot Mike Marchink at the tobacco plantation… the case had been investigated fully, and found to have been the climax of a drunken brawl. He was fined $15.
August 3
A concert was given in the Town hall… by a body of students from the Hampton Institute of Hampton, Va. The young men taking part in the entertainment have been working for the Olds & Whipple Co., tobacco growers…The concert consisted of negro songs and comedy and the proceeds will go to the school where these young people attend. A good sum was realized.
August 10
All business and public places in town will be closed this afternoon between the hours of 3 and 5, as a mark of respect to the late President. [Warren G. Harding, the 29th president, died August 2, 1923 in San Francisco.]
August 17
A large truck passing north through here… aroused the suspicion of Deputy Sheriff George L. Greer…who followed and overtook it on Mapleton avenue. Investigation revealed eight barrels of grain alcohol covered with heavy canvas, on top of which were ten crates of green peppers.
August 24
Two hundred and fifty pheasants were received here…for distribution in this vicinity…125 were liberated in Windsor Locks.
A 11-years-old daughter of a farm hand at the home of George Hastings was run over by a loaded tobacco wagon… and internal injuries were feared. She was operated upon last night at her home.
August 31
Deputy Sheriff Greer and Constable Cooney made a hasty trip to the Hatheway and Steane tobacco plantation…in answer to a call that one of the employees was murdering his wife. Upon arrival…they found Anthony Callie in the act of strangling his wife… He entered a plea of guilty and was given a sentence of 30 days on the charges of assault and drunkenness, and fined $10 and costs.