It was another year of fun, adventure and learning for Suffield Cub Scout Pack 266. The year started off with the traditional introductory meeting where Scouts learned the Scout Oath, Scout Law, Cub Scout Handshake, Cub Scout Motto. They lived it all year “Doing their Best!”
The Pack got the opportunity to visit the fire station, where they learned about current firefighting techniques as well as firefighting history. There were visits to Roaring Brook Nature Center, Riverside Reptiles Nature Center, the CT Trolley Museum and Roaring Acres Alpaca Farm.
For Campouts this year we camped on the Hartford Yard Goats field after seeing the team win in walk off fashion in extra innings. We also camped in the historic Battleship Cove and cabin camped during the winter at June Norcross Webster Scout Reservation. Of course, we also camped locally right here at the amazing Sunrise Park.
For community service the Pack participated in the Memorial Day Parade and delivered Christmas and Valentine’s Day cards to the Senior Center, Police, Fire, Paramedics, and the VFW. We also participated in the town wide clean up. In addition, Pack 266 collected food for Suffield Community Aid and Project New Hope pantry for Veterans.
Not to be forgotten, we also had a tightly contested Pinewood Derby, and this year a Rain Gutter Regatta, so Scouts got to show off their engineering skills both on the track and the water, not to mention all the skills displayed and fun that was had during the regular Pack and Den meetings at West Suffield Congregational Church.
The fun doesn’t end with the school year. Some of our upcoming summer events are a return to the Hartford Yard Goats and Indoor Skydiving. We are looking forward to another exciting year!