They say that when one door closes, another opens: oh boy, do we have the doors swinging at West Suffield Congregational. Old organ out, new organ in. Maroon door out, blue door in. Old furnace out, new furnace in. See what I mean?
Our ordeal with getting the new organ has been highly entertaining; the company kept telling us that our keyboard was held up due to supply chain issues. We weren’t sure why a keyboard would be so hard to get, but we took them at their word. After several months of frustration, we found out the company had ordered the wrong keyboard for us, a deluxe, specialty item for a larger instrument. They had ours all along (sigh). We now have all the pieces, but they forgot the screws. It will get done; I promise. Patience may be a reward in and of itself, but sometimes nagging an organ company works just fine.
On a sadder note, the other “door news” is that our Crossroads Pantry will be closing. The church has sponsored the Pantry for over ten years, and we are losing the two special women who ran it, as one is moving away, and the other is retiring. The stress and paperwork involved were well known, and rather than struggling to keep it open, we have decided to seek a new passion. Churches are funny. They are fueled by the desire to serve and make a difference in their community; ours is no different, and since the pantry door is closing, we are in discernment to look for a new door to open, one in which we can serve the community in a meaningful way.
Our prayer shawl ministry will continue with monthly knitting parties. I am learning to knit when they gather. It is not a pretty sight. My scarves at this point look more like experiments than clothing.
A major focus this year will be on our children, with special activities on the last Saturday of every month. We have a Scavenger Hunt, Art Day, a Halloween Party, and Cookie Decorating for our first four sessions. Keep an eye out on the Suffield Forum for reminders. We will be capping the attendance at 20. The children do not need to be attending church, although members kiddos will have first choice. We will also be at Suffield on the Green making friendship bracelets and hopefully some new friends to go with them.
Finally, the “big door” news: on September 10 we reopen! Expect some hand clapping, foot stomping fun, as we inflate a bounce house for the little ones and share in a traditional church potluck luncheon. Come and join us, there is always enough food for a small army!
Blessings on your day. Our doors will be thrown open soon.