New President at Windsor Federal Bank

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George Hermann welcomes new President and CEO Lucas Kettles.

Windsor Federal Bank, founded in 1936 out of the Great Depression with a mission of Neighbors Helping Neighbors, opened the doors to its Suffield branch office in April 2016 and though it has only been seven years, this hometown bank’s roots are strong and run deep. This year, Suffield resident Luke Kettles took the helm of Windsor Federal as President and CEO upon the retirement of George Hermann, a well-recognized, long-time resident of the town. Mr. Hermann has moved into the role of Executive Chairman of the Bank’s Board of Directors. Kettles was previously Executive Vice President and Chief Lending Officer at Windsor Federal.

As a mutual bank the depositors are the owners and there are no shareholders to satisfy or drive decisions. The bank’s status as a mutual bank will not change, according to Kettles. “We are committed to remaining a true community bank and will continue to grow organically, building off of the long-term relationships we have cultivated with our customers.”

“Our team members live and work in our communities. We shop at the same grocery stores as our customers, cheer for each other’s kids at sporting events, and attend the same summer concerts and fairs,” said Kettles. “We see first-hand the needs of our communities and work in service of keeping our local economies running and communities thriving. To that effort, we work to recognize and support our communities through donations and volunteerism. In Suffield, Windsor Federal Bank supports numerous organizations and events such as the Suffield Rotary Club, Friends of the Farm at Hilltop, Suffield Community Aid, Knights of Columbus, Team Driving for a Cure, Suffield on the Green and recently was the premier sponsor of the second annual Suffield Summer Fair in June. We are always looking for ways to do more for our community.”

Luke and his wife, Kara, who is an education professional, moved to Suffield ten years ago and have three children – twin boys (14) and a daughter (13) who attend Suffield schools and are involved in multiple sports and Scouting programs. Luke has volunteered his time as a youth sports coach and has served as a Den Leader for BSA Pack 266, and Kara is an active volunteer in the Suffield schools. The Kettles family enjoys traveling, hiking, fishing, golfing, and skiing. He enjoys going to work every day and leading an organization with employees that truly live the Bank’s mantra of Neighbors Helping Neighbors.

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