It has been a little while since I have written a Parks and Recreation article for the Observer, and I have missed it!
Keeping you up to date on all of the Parks and Recreation happenings around Suffield have been Donna Carney-Bastrzycki, your Director of Special Programs, and Dan Leonard, your Recreation and Sports Programmer. Donna and Dan, along with Pam Cocca in our office, are the lifeblood of the Parks and Recreation Department, and I wanted to take a few minutes to congratulate them for another successful summer season, and acknowledge the hard work they do throughout the entire year. Their expertise and passion for Parks and Recreation services runs deep, and anyone who has gotten to know them realizes this immediately. If you have not met them yet, I encourage you to seek them out at one of our programs or events and introduce yourself!
While Donna, Dan, and Pam do a fantastic job, there are so many others who contribute to making your Parks and Recreation experience the best it can be. Our Parks and Recreation Commission is made up of dedicated members of our community. Led by Chairman Brian Casinghino, and Vice-Chair Bill Boucher, this group meets monthly to discuss topics and issues, and offer policy and procedure advice to the department. Outside of the regular meetings, they are always available for a phone call or to volunteer at a Parks and Recreation program. In addition to the commission, administration and volunteer support is always strong from the First Selectman’s office as well as many town departments and elected offices. Lastly, and certainly not least, is our host of seasonal and part-time employees who help make our department special! From lifeguards, camp counselors, event staff and organizers, to even those who print our tee-shirts, I could not be happier with our staff and volunteers. It fills me with pride when I receive a compliment or note of thanks about an interaction with someone from the Parks and Recreation Department. Keep up the great work!
As always, you can find information on all of our programs at Also, please follow all of the Community Services’ social media accounts (Facebook and Instagram) under @suffieldrec, @suffieldyouthservices and @suffieldseniorcenter for the latest information and images from programs.
Pete Leclerc,
Director P&R
Spook-tacular Animals with Full Moon Hike-Halloween Weekend Party!
Join the Parks and Recreation Department, the Suffield Garden Club, the Trees for Suffield Initiative and Suffield Youth Service Department for a “frighteningly fun” evening while celebrating Halloween while learning all about Halloween inspired animals and go on a Full Moon Hike.
Our guest speaker Margery Winters from Roaring Brook Nature Center will first lead a fun presentation about “Vultures & Spiders & Bats, oh my! “ There are many animals associated with Halloween but are those animals that spooky? In addition, why are they symbols of Halloween? Learn more about these and many other fascinating animals and why they are so spook-tacular!
Participants will also enjoy pizza for dinner and then go on a short full moon hike at Stony Brook Park in search for spooky animals! Please wear hiking boots or sturdy hiking sneakers, bring a flashlight or headlamp and be prepared to an evening of fun! The program is for all ages and will be held rain or shine on Saturday, October 28 from 5:30-8 p.m. meeting at the Suffield Senior Center and then proceeding to Stony Brook Park for a spooky full moon hike! The cost is $5 per person (in addition donations for The Trees for Suffield Initiative will be kindly accepted at the event). All ages are welcome for the presentation but hikers ages 8-adult are recommended for the hike.
The registration deadline is Friday, October 20 or when the program is full.
Suffield Road Race
10k Results
1st Suffield Finisher:
Chris Duni (m)- 48:12
Caroline Wilke (f)- 56:08
Overall Men’s
1st: Max Aronow- 35:19
2nd: Ryan Wepler- 39:21
3rd: Matt Killian- 40:31
Overall Women’s
1st: Melissa Stellato- 39:42
2nd: Larissa Burke- 44:15
3rd: Kristin Mitchell- 47:00
5k Result
1st Suffield Finisher
Kelly Giannuzzi (f)- 22:09
Chris Swenson (m)- 23:04
Overall Men’s
1st: Chris Swenson- 23:04
2nd: Jackson Goings- 23:15
3rd: Cormac Neely- 23:00
Overall Women’s
1st: Linda Spooner (time unavailable)
2nd: Kelly Giannuzzi: 22:09
3rd: Ashley Kowalczyk- 24:08.