We thought you might find it helpful to understand the process we undertook to produce the Voter’s Guide. To begin, we drafted questions for the candidates based on information we thought would be helpful for voters to know and then sought contact information from the chairmen of both political parties. Final edits were made and all candidates were mailed the questions via USPS and email and allowed two weeks to respond. The volunteer production staff at the Observer spent numerous additional hours preparing this month’s edition for 40 pages (most issues are 36 pages) in order to fit the Voter’s Guide and ballot in the paper. A common misunderstanding is that you must vote for the number indicated. To the contrary, you can vote for fewer candidates.
While we are from different political parties and of sometimes opposing political beliefs, we admire and respect other’s passion to do a good job. Knowing that we have the common goal of doing what is best for Suffield makes discussions civil and compromises easier. It is our hope that all newly elected officials can find the same working relationship.