The State mandated Revaluation project of all Suffield real estate is in the homestretch. The Town has partnered with eQuality Valuation Services LLC for this project. A revaluation is required every five years to secure a more equitable distribution of the tax burden and to bring the assessment level up to date.
What is the project status?
- We have sent out data mailers and had a 35% return rate.
- Changes indicated on the Data Mailers have been entered and any requested inspections have taken place.
- The Revaluation company has performed a field review of all properties to fairly set property details. Updated photos have been taken to assist in that process.
- The Revaluation company has analyzed sales for the past two years to determine property values.
- Building permits have been inspected and properties have been updated with these changes.
- The Mass appraisal valuation tables have been tested and are being fine tuned.
- The Assessor’s Office is reviewing the values.
What are the next steps?
- In November, assessment change notices will be mailed to property owners
- Anyone who disagrees or has questions about their value can schedule an informal hearing via telephone.
- Adjustments will be made based on the information provided and adjusted notices will be mailed
- The Grand List will be filed.
- Anyone who disagrees with their final value can appeal to the Board of Assessment Appeals. They will meet in March 2024 and applications must be submitted by February 20, 2024. Instructions will be included on the notices.
Will A Revaluation increase taxes?
It is very important to dispel the myth that a revaluation allows the town to collect more tax dollars. You should not multiply your new assessment by the current mill rate to determine your tax burden.
In simple terms, the mill rate calculation is Grand Levy / Net Taxable Grand List. The Grand Levy is the amount of money that needs to be raised through property taxes to satisfy the annual budget. Last year the Grand Levy was $44,350,203. The total budget was $65,426,007. The Net Taxable Grand List is total of all taxable Suffield Real Estate, Personal Property and Motor Vehicles after exemptions have been applied. Last year the Net Taxable Grand List was $1,582,088,930. A collection rate is also applied to calculate the final mill rate.
If the Grand Levy after the revaluation remains the same as the previous year and each assessment doubles on the Net Taxable Grand List, the tax rate would merely be cut in half.
A revaluation may result in an increase or decrease of individual taxes depending on how a property value increased or decreased relative to the average change in the Town’s assessments. Overall property types will have different increases/decreases i.e. single family homes, waterfront homes, condominiums, multi families, commercial, industrial and apartments will change at different rates.
The result of the project will yield fair and equitable property values effective October 1, 2023.
If you have any questions regarding the Revaluation project, feel free to contact the Assessor’s Office at(860- 668-3866.