Our original opinion survey deadline as to whether we’re living up to our mission and organization and how we can improve was December 31, but we realize December is a busy month, and you may not have had a chance to offer your opinion. So, we’re extending the deadline through February. Please help us improve by telling us what you think.
Our Mission and Organization:
To build a sense of community throughout the town of Suffield and to provide a forum where all sides of issues may be addressed.
The Observer is written by, for and about the people of Suffield. We are an independent, non-profit, non-partisan organization seeking to provide information and news about the town of Suffield.
Submissions can be sent to: inbox@thesuffieldobserver.com. Alternatively, you may enter responses online (anonymously or not, using https://forms.gle/fepXUCeY2ehgfUNp6 or the QR code below.