What SCA is Spotlighting this Month:
Meals on Wheels Volunteers Needed! Suffield Community Aid delivers meals to homebound residents five days a week via three routes. We are currently looking for volunteers interested in joining our team to deliver meals.
If you’re looking for a meaningful way to give back to Suffield residents, please give us a call today to see if Meals-on-Wheels might be a good fit for you!
2024 Meghan Voisine “Kindness Matters” Grants! Grant applications closed on December 1 for students in grades 5-12 to submit their ideas for funding to spread kindness, inclusivity, and friendship in Suffield. A total of eight applications were received! Be on the lookout for upcoming kindness initiatives around town and in the school communities.
Holiday Basket Sponsors Spread Holiday Cheer to 95 Suffield Households: A huge thank you to all our sponsors, consisting of many individuals, families, organizations, churches, businesses, and Town Departments who made the 2023 Holiday Basket Program such a success. Ninety (95) Suffield households compromised of children, adults and older adults enjoyed the holidays thanks to your kindness and generosity!
Salvation Army Kettle Drive Supports our Youth: Throughout the month of December, you likely saw volunteers ringing bells and spreading cheer to raise funds for the annual Salvation Army Kettle Drive! A total of $2,345 was raised thanks to the time and efforts of Suffield individuals and families, SHS Interact Club, and our dedicated Suffield Rotarians! Ninety percent of the money raised will remain in Suffield and help support our “Return to School” Backpack Program.
Operation Fuel Can Provide a One-time Grant of up to $500.00 to Assist Eligible Families with their Energy Bills: Operation Fuel partners with SCA and more than 100 agencies across the state, to provide low-income families with year-round emergency energy help. Assistance is provided for residents in crisis for help with their oil, electric, natural gas, propane, or water arrearage bills. Call SCA or go to www.operationfuel.org for more info.
Some Ongoing Program and Updates
P.I.L.O.T. Room for Resident Use: Did you know that SCA has a private office space, equipped with a phone, copier, and computer for resident use? Thanks to the generosity of the Amiel P. Zak Public Service Fund, residents are welcome to call and reserve use of the room for their needs, during normal SCA business hours: Monday – Friday, 8 a.m. – 4 p.m.
Memory Café: Pat Beeman, MSW, holds a monthly informal group for individuals with cognitive loss and their loved ones. Join her for casual conversation and light refreshments on February 11a.m. – 12 p.m. at the Senior Center. Registration is required. Please call SCA for questions and registration.

Several of SCA’s Meals-on-Wheels volunteer drivers, their guests, and SCA staff Danielle Annibalini and Jo Dzioba, attended a CRT Volunteer Appreciation Event in December. SCA is currently seeking new volunteers to join our amazing team of volunteer drivers!
Parkinsons Peer Support Group: SCA hosts a monthly Parkinsons Peer Support Group at Suffield Community Aid (450 South St.) on the second Tuesday of each month. February’s group will be held on February 13 from 11 a.m. -12 p.m. and will be joined by Liz D’Amico, PhD, LCSW. Please call SCA to register.
Stay Warm This Winter! – We are Taking Applications for the CT Energy Assistance Program: This government program helps offset the winter heating costs for financially eligible households. Please contact SCA to apply at 860-668-1986. More information on eligibility is available at: www.ct.gov/staywarm
SCA Food Pantry is Well Stocked to Help with Your Food & Personal Care Needs: If you are struggling to afford food or personal care items, SCA can help. Thanks to the generosity of the Suffield community, our shelves are well stocked. Call for confidential and discreet help.
Social Service Consultations at Kent Memorial Library: Pat Beeman, MSW, holds office hours the third Thursday of each month at the KML. Residents wishing to schedule a consultation on February 15 can register online by going to suffield-library.org If you prefer to come to the office, call 860-668-1986.
Are there places you want to go, but transportation is not available? In conjunction with Nutmeg Senior Rides, SCA can help financially qualified seniors, age 50 and older, or persons with a disability, get to where they want to go when the Suffield Mini-Bus is not available. Nutmeg Senior Rides provides door-to-door transportation, for any purpose, 365 days a year. Call to see if you qualify.