Selected from the pages of the Windsor Locks Journal and lightly annotated by Wendy Taylor, Kent Memorial Library.
March 7
During February, the report of the town clerk for the vital statistics, showed that there had been ten births, four deaths and twelve marriages… This is the largest number of marriage licenses ever issued in this town during February.
The monthly meeting of the Foreign Missionary society of the First Congregational church will be held…there will be a debate on the question: “That the Japanese have been unjustly treated by the people of California.”
Deputy Collector of Internal Revenue Norrie was scheduled to be in Union hall last Saturday from 9 to 5 o’clock, but was called back to the Hartford office after he had been here a couple of hours. During the afternoon a number of people who came to consult him were disappointed.
FOUND: A four-year-old Cow strayed onto my place a few days ago. Owner can have same by proving property and paying charges. William Griffin
March 14
Town taxes will be due and payable on or before April 15 and on all taxes paid on or before that date a discount of 2 per cent. is allowed. The village tax is also due about the same time, but no discount is allowed… The collector will be at the store of Joseph Romano April 8 and at Union hall April 9 and 15.
March 21
The roads in the outlying districts have been hub deep with mud for the past two weeks. Some of the roads have been impassible for automobile travel and some of the cars that have tried it have become stranded by the roadside. It seems rather strange now-a-days to see the residents of the outlying districts driving a horse, but it has been necessary in some districts this spring.
March 28
There has been considerable complaint about persons who are fishing in the town brooks without bothering to get a license, as only about thirty licenses have been taken out in this town… The fishermen’s license law was passed after several attempts by the sportsmen of the state to get it through the legislature and its object is to provide funds for the stocking of the waters of the state. The fisherman who will not contribute the small sum required to obtain a license to promote better fishing is not a real fisherman…
Although it would be hard to prove, there is no doubt that some of the ponds near to this town are being netted and dynamited illegally by market fishermen.
Since the advent of automobiles the out of the way places have become accessible and fish and game have suffered, and the only hope of keeping them at all is by co-operation and the practice of self-denial.
The plans and specifications for the new school building on Bridge street are ready and the selectmen have advertised for bids, which besides the construction of the building call for the demolition of Calvary Episcopal church, which is on the site of the new building… The plan calls for a one-story building with six classrooms and an auditorium with a seating capacity of 470. It also provides for closets, toilets, coat rooms and every modern convenience. The building is so planned to eliminate fire hazard, and each room has exits on all sides. The building when completed will be an attractive addition to the street and a credit to the committee appointed for the work.
The contract has been awarded for moving the house purchased of Hiram Jones and work will be started next week. The house will be moved to the east end of the present school playground and will be sold, rented or used as a residence for those engaged in school work.