With spring fast approaching, so too does the FY 24/25 budget season. My initial budget package to the Board of Selectmen and Board of Finance includes a 2% (approximately $365,000) department increase less public utilities. Beyond contractual payroll increases, I am requesting programmatic increases, employee retention increases and personnel increases within select growing departments. Once we receive the final numbers for public utilities, I expect that increase to grow about .5-1%.
Here are a few things going on in March and beyond:
- We expect construction to begin on the DPW cold storage building within the month.
- Installation of rapid flashing signals have received DOT final approval for the crosswalk on Main Street and Suffield Academy Road. We hope to have a final approval to install one at the crosswalk across from Town Hall shortly.
- Our Sustainable Suffield task force will be holding a composting program in partnership with our Community Services April 1. The annual Town-wide Clean-up Day will be April 27. If you’re looking to let go of things that have collected around the house, go to the Sustainable Suffield link on the town website for event details, and sign up to participate on May 11.
- If you know local business owners within the Tax Increment Finance District, remind them to apply for our TIF Matching Grant program. Applications are due by March 15. This program is a great opportunity for those businesses within this district to make aesthetic updates to their building or office.
- The Economic Development Commission will be hosting an Art Walk on May 18. Expect to be able to walk along Main St and the center of Town to explore local artists and more.
- Don’t forget to check out the great events and programs offered by the Library, Community Services, Sustainable Suffield, and Trees for Suffield. All event and program information can be found on the Town website.
- Beth Chafetz has been recently hired as the Library Administrator to oversee operations until we hire a Library Director. Welcome Beth! We’ve made multiple internal hires to fill positions made vacant by promotions. We are always looking for Library Clerks to fill hours.
- We’ve hired a new Building Official to replace Kimberly Rogers who became the State Deputy Building Official. Welcome Michael Addington and good luck Kimberly! We are still in search for an Assistant Building Official due to the retirement of Lionel Mailloux. We are fortunate to have both him and retired BO, Ted Flanders covering until the new team takes over
The Board of Selectmen continues to consider and revise the following policies:
- Town Property Usage Policy: In short, the policy helps to define the expectations and rules for use of all Town property when a large event is held. It would also require organizers to have insurance in order to better protect the Town from liability. It would also be a guide for organizers where to get required permits.
- Blight Ordinance: Tentatively expect a public hearing on March 6 before the Board of Selectmen meeting for any questions or concerns before it gets referred to a Town Meeting.
- Farm Building Exemption Ordinance: Like other towns in CT, this ordinance would financially assist our agriculture community by exempting farm buildings that meet the qualifications set forth within the ordinance. Information on this and the aforementioned policies and ordinances can be found on the Town Website when we post our Board of Selectmen agendas.
I continue to have coffee hours the first and third Friday of the month at Café Barista and thank those who have attended and welcome those who wish to come. And as always, my door at Town Hall is always open.