On one of the warmest days in February ever, Troop 66 traveled to J.N. Webster Scout Reservation in Ashford, Conn.to compete in the Annual Charter Oak Klondike. The “Klondike” is a skills-based competition where scouts must orienteer (navigate/map) their way around the camp while competing in traditional scout activities such as first aid, rescue, fire building, outdoor ethics and other skills. This, of course, was intended to happen in the snow and cold.
Alex Richter, who competed in one of the two patrols that participated from Troop 66, reported back on the event.
“We figured out the map and then ran through all the stations. We mostly got correct answers with only a few wrong. After getting to our last station, we set up the tent for the night. We then cooked dinner, played cards, and went to bed. The next morning we got up and cooked breakfast before sprinting to the finish line.”
Troops were awarded points based on their time and the number of skills they completed. Patrols had to camp overnight and cook all their meals with the supplies they carried with them. Both patrols finished much better than last year’s event – and look to do even better next year. The troop had held a special training weekend a few weeks earlier and had been learning the needed information at their regular meetings.
Of special note this year were the number of adult leaders who participated as “mayors” of the “towns.” Each station has a historically name related to the real Klondike gold rush. Six troop adults participated as either mayors, assistant mayors, or support staff for the headquarters.
If you know a potential scout (5th grade to age 18) who is looking to join in the fun, community building, and citizenship development, Troop 66 would love to have you join us for a meeting to find out more. Activities for this spring include a shooting campout, a trip to upstate New York, and scout camp.
Contact Aaron Marcavitch, Troop Committee Chair at marcavitch@gmail.com with questions or requests to join.