Seward Johnson Statues are Coming to Town!

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Save the Date – May 18 will open the Suffield Statue Art Trail. We do not want to identify all the statues before the opening, but we’ll share two to whet your appetite.

Photo provided by Gayle Demko
“Keep Life in Balance” Einstein on Bicycle

Suffield’s Economic Development Commission (EDC) and the Town of Suffield present the iconic works of Seward Johnson beginning on May 18. Suffield Art Trail featuring the sculpture work of Seward Johnson’s collection “Celebrating the Familiar” echoes our everyday tasks and activities, catching our eye and calling attention to small pleasures and encounters. Six statues will come to Suffield for three months this spring and summer.

Photo provided by Gayle Demko
Seward Johnson’s statue which represents his conception of American Gothic

The EDC has embarked on this project to promote tourism and local businesses and build awareness of all that Suffield has to offer. Our goal is to work with local Chambers and businesses and broaden the goals for Suffield’s tourism. The art exhibits will provide enjoyment for our residents and bring non-residents into Suffield on an Art Trail.

May 18 finds Suffield busy with activity as the following events are scheduled:

  • Hatheway House Barn May Market plant sale.
  • Many of the historic sites will be open for tours and an artist in residence will perform on the Green.
  • Self-guided walking tours of North and South Main Street and a self-guided driving tour of Old Bridge District will be available.
  • Art show by students at Suffield High School Rotunda.
  • Art Show by Suffield Academy students displayed in front of their campus.

We need your help to fund the statue rental and installation. Signage will be posted with each statue, on the Green and in all publications and advertising, including the Art Trail brochure which will be presented for the three months of their rental at all EDC and Town activities, including the Connecticut State House display. We hope you will join us on this day with your participation and sponsorship.

As chairman of the EDC, I was determined to boost Suffield’s presence and am delighted to have this Art Trail come to fruition and am so excited to have both Suffield Academy and Suffield Schools highlight their works of innovation and creativity on May 18.

Thank you for your support in this much anticipated event! Please mail your donation to EDC, Suffield Town Hall, 83 Mountain Road, Suffield CT 06078. We look forward to working with your team!

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