Town News You May Not Know

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Too busy to look up what’s going on in town? This article covers selected information from various Town Boards and Commissions. If you want more detail, it can be found by going to, Agendas, Minutes and Recordings.

Board of Assessment Appeals: Approximately 60 real estate appeals were heard during March. Approvals and denials were approximately equal with six tabled.

Board of Education: The Increasing Educator Diversity Plan required by Public Act 23-167, Section 10(a) was discussed which includes recruitment, hiring and selection, and retention.

The Suffield Middle School Building Project plans to publish a new web page devoted to the project and create a flyer to raise awareness about the project’s benefits. The Permanent Building Commission is reviewing the plans and labeled it a high priority.

Per state law, districts are required to identify Gifted and Talented students, but they are not required to provide services for them. The Otis-Lennon (OLSAT) screener will be conducted at McAlister next year. The district is considering potential enrichment opportunities for those identified.

The Agriscience program received its first-ever invitation to participate in the Connecticut Flower and Garden Show in May. A presentation to the board included a Dog Spa Day and Dog Treat Fundraiser; the Greenhand and Chapter FFA Degree Night; Geranium Planting; and updates on the Large Animal Facility.

Board of Finance: A farm building tax exemption proposal was discussed and would require a Town Meeting for acceptance. Based on the analysis, 370 buildings could qualify for the exemption with a total assessment of $5,683,456 and a tax loss of $127,878 at a mill rate of 22.5 mills.

Budget vs. Actual Reports through the end of March 2024 indicated that State revenues are on track while Building Department fees and real estate conveyance taxes are slightly behind. Overall, we expect about a $1 million surplus in revenue from higher interest income and an unbudgeted municipal revenue-sharing grant of $398,000. There were no significant variances in expenses.

Board of Selectmen: The saga continues with many public comments regarding the library, the board members and the politics involved.

Some of the other items discussed were the Police Department’s request for an e-ticket grant that was approved, and amendments to the Landfill Policy were tabled. Members of the Helena Bailey Spenser Tree Commission were reappointed.

A Charter Revision Commission is being considered. A Town Manager position was received with mixed emotions. The Commission members will be selected soon to include revision questions on the November ballot.

Engineering work continues on our LOTCIP (Local Transportation Capital Improvement Program) projects which include Kent Avenue, the Farmington Canal Trail, Bridge Street, and the Windsor Locks Canal Trail. The Farmington Canal Trail will be the first project we start within the next year or two.

Economic Development: The Commission had decided on six of the Altelier Company sculptures to be located around Town and the locations. Art activities will be coordinated with Suffield Academy, First Church, and Second Baptist Church. The Commission will allocate $13k and will pursue donations and grants to cover the additional $20-25k.

Permanent Building Commission: The Public Works Cold Storage Building’s foundation has been poured. Also, a fire station review indicated that accommodations for female firefighters needs to be taken into account as it was not included in the original report. The Police Station plan and the order in which the remaining buildings will be reviewed were also discussed.

Planning & Zoning: The intervention request regarding a special permit/site plan approval for a composting facility located at 654 North Grand Street by Polly-Rob, LLC and intervenor status was approved. Some of the concerns raised have been addressed and the application for a special permit was approved.

The owner of property on Harvey Lane is considering building warehouse/distribution facilities on adjacent property they own located on Harvey Lane and Ucar Street. A battery storage facility is being considered on North Grand Street which needs approval from the Connecticut Siting Council.

Police Commission: Officers made several arrests and had calls relating to burglary, larceny, and several motor vehicle thefts. Additionally, there were several fraud complaints and domestic calls.

Four members are now licensed to fly drones. There were two member openings; one has been filled and one is in the final interview process.

They are looking for additional grants and outside funding source opportunities to address some items we believe would benefit the Police Department. One such issue will be seeking funding to initiate a Patrol K-9 program.

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