Churches are remarkable places; they are filled with angels and West Suffield Congregational has two new ones who have recently touched down in our pews! Recently, one of our parishioners spent hours shining all the brass in the church until it glowed. The cross that is on our communion table had a smudge afterwards. She couldn’t buff out. She worked on it diligently, but finally gave up; it was just a spot that had become degraded with time. Our Head Deacon noted that the smudge looked just like an angel. We all gathered around, tilted our heads this way and that way: it brought a smile to our faces. A little reminder that even imperfections can be beautiful.
The angel on our cross reminds me of an angel in our choir. I would like to take this opportunity to tell you about her. Her name is Christina Haines, and she is a living liver donor. Christina’s best friend from college, Nicole, had been battling liver disease since age 16. Nicole had two year-old twins, and the doctors told her that her only hope for a cure was a transplant. Most people are aware that kidneys can be donated from a living donor, but not everyone is aware that livers can, too.
No mother wants to anticipate not being able to be there for her children, so Nicole reached out and asked if Christina would be her champion. Christina didn’t hesitate; she said “yes” immediately, and six months later was approved as a match.
The twins will be seven this August. Their mother will get to be with them as they grow, she will be there for all the joy and struggle that parenthood is, and she will be healthy. Because of the angel in our pews, Nicole has a future.
There’s a lovely video of the two women telling their story. It can be found at: A photographer named Lindsay Vigue gave her time and talent to a project called, Gentle Strength: Images of Generosity, Hope & New Life Through Transplant. To learn more about the process, visit Donate Life Connecticut.
June Doings at WCSS:
On June 9 at 10 a.m. is Children’s Sunday. Join us for energy, laughter and general fun!
On June 16 at 10 a.m., join us for a celebration of music and voice. Our extraordinary organist and choir will lift our spirits and touch our hearts. We will be gathering for a closing picnic at Sunrise Park on June 30 at 10 a.m.
On August 18 at 10 a.m. we will be gathering once again in our Sanctuary for a special celebration of Love, as we reaffirm a special couple’s vows and reflect on the gift of love that God places in our lives.