Girl Scouts Celebrate Earth Day

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Suffield Girl Scouts celebrated Earth Day on Sunday, April 21 at Hilltop Farm. The event was organized by Troop 11963, a troop of 8th grade Cadettes on a mission to encourage more outdoor experiences for Suffield’s Girl Scouts. Troops, ranging from kindergarten to 6th grade, participated in the activities, set up in three stations.

Photo by Erica Boucher
Brownie Troop 10961 shows off their reusable T-shirt bags in front of the herb garden at Hilltop Farm.

At the planting station, each troop planted an annual herb into the existing herb garden (which was already full of perennial herbs). Each scout then planted a marigold, which they claimed with their name on a plant marker. Scouts were encouraged to visit “their” plant whenever they return to Hilltop.

As you might be aware, Girl Scouts love to camp. More specifically, they love to perform skits and make s’mores by the campfire. The next station had scouts running and learning about what is safe to burn vs what is unsafe. Troops were split into teams and had to run, relay-style, from the table of materials to the table where they had to sort items into safe vs unsafe piles. Each scout left with a newfound knowledge and an activity book as part of the EPA’s Burn Wise program.

On top of the activity book, scouts went home with a reusable tote bag. This was not any old tote. The final station walked scouts through making a reusable no-sew T-shirt bag. Each scout arrived with a T-shirt from home (many brought Girl Scout T-shirts!). All that was needed for this activity was a T-shirt and a pair of scissors. A great way to recycle!

Troop 11963 will be back at Hilltop Farm this summer, tending to their plot in the Community Garden. They will cultivate a cut flower garden in order to donate bouquets throughout the community (green thumbs crossed).

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