Jimmy Deren Memorial Bowling Buddies Banquet A Smash!
Bowling Buddies Banquet

The Bowling Buddies Group
The Jimmy Deren Memorial/Bowling Buddies group celebrated their fantastic thirty-week long season at our year-end banquet at beautiful Sunrise Park on May 7. The bowlers meet each Tuesday at Spare Time lanes for great exercise, socialization and lots of enjoyment. The weather was perfect as we transformed the Sunrise Park Pavilion into a tropical themed paradise for an evening of dancing, food, awards and fun!
This special banquet was a celebration of all the amazing achievements that the Bowling Buddies and volunteers have exhibited throughout the season and at the Special Olympics Tournaments. Big smiles were abundant as the group danced, did the limbo, Conga dances and enjoyed a delicious BBQ with terrific sides and all the fixings!
Each of the athletes were awarded a very special trophy engraved with their High Game Score and Special Partners/volunteers were also recognized. The overall team winners were also awarded with specially engraved plagues. The team- “Alley Cats” took the overall team win over the nine other teams, and the members are: Amanda Rabideau, Dashon Foster, Christina Engelman and Rocco Marotta. Special Trophies were also given to both Russ Weaver who had the overall Highest Total Pins of the league of 10,759 pins. James Mark receive the Overall League High Game Score for the men with a score of 215 and Jen Pogg-186 for the women. Brie Shea received the outstanding sportsmanship plague for being such a fantastic team member and star bowler. Gabe Segool received the Perseverance Award for all his efforts throughout the season. Diane Lerous and Dan Bolduc-213 both received the Overall High Game Score for the volunteer/Special Partners. Everyone really enjoyed the fabulous BBQ that was prepared by Tom and Margo Burns, Tom Rabidea, Frank Marotta and Patti Kopec. It was fabulous to see all of the smiles and good times had while everyone was celebrating the season’s achievements together.
Special thanks go out to Dinn Brothers of West Springfield for the terrific trophy engraving, and to Spare Time lanes for helping make the season so great. Lastly, huge thanks go out to our Special Partners and volunteers including-Cydnie Rabideau, Diane and Frank Marotta and volunteer DJ-Kevin Landolina who all help make the program possible.
If you are interested in participating as an athlete or volunteering as a Special Partner for the 2024/2025 season, please contact-Donna Carney-Bastrzycki, Director of Special Programs at dcarney@suffieldct.gov or 860- 668-3862. We have many other fun activities and outings planned throughout the year for the group.
On Saturday, May 4 the Suffield Conservation Commission & Suffield Parks & Recreation Department held their 3rd Annual Fishing Derby at Sunrise Park on Whites Pond. The weekend weather was beautiful, and we had many residents stop by the Fishing Derby to support us. Youth aged one to sixteen competed with each other to catch the biggest fish of the day. There were many types of fish caught including sunfish and bass. Eleven-year-old Tobin Adzigirey caught the largest fish of the day weighing in at 1.16 pounds with the length of 15 inches. Seven-year-old Oliver Lacy finished in second place after catching a .48 pound fish.
2024 Conservation & Parks & Recreation Fishing Derby at Sunrise Park

Conservation Chairman Arthur Christian gives a speech during the 2024 Fishing Derby.
The winners’ names were shared with a jubilant crowd when some outstanding prizes were awarded to youth participants at 11am during the conclusion of the Fishing Derby. We would like to congratulate all the participants and their big catches. Special thanks to all the local businesses and individuals for their donations and sponsorships of the Fishing Derby! Prize donations and sponsors include Suffield Village Market, Zanto Suffield, Three Figs, Spellman, Kelly & Fanous LLC and Scott Terra. Also, thanks to the very helpful and cheerful volunteers of Scout Troop 66 and the Suffield High School chapter of the National Honor Society for making the event run very smoothly.
Thanks to all the families and individuals that came out to enjoy a fabulous day outdoors celebrating an amazing event!
On behalf of the Suffield Conservation Committee, we’d like to recognize Dan Leonard, Suffield Parks & Recreation Programmer for his outstanding effort with organizing this great event.
Register For Summer Programs with the Suffield Parks and Recreation Department
Are you looking for great programs for your family to make 2024 the best yet? We have a variety of enjoyable programs for the whole family right here in Suffield with the Parks and Recreation Department. With affordable prices, attentive staff and quality programs that will make you and your family smile, summer is sure to be memorable. For a full listing of all of our programs-please visit suffieldrec.com.