Town News You May Not Know

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Too busy to look up what’s going on in town? This article covers selected information from various Town Boards and Commissions. Find more detail at, Agendas, Minutes and Recordings.

Board of Education: The National Association of Music Merchants (NAMM) has recognized Suffield as one of the Best Communities for Music Education once again. Kyle Candia-Bovi, SHS ELA teacher, has been honored with the prestigious UCONN ECE Instructor Award for Excellence in Course Instruction and was selected from 1,800 UCONN ECE Educators.

The SHS Principal Search Committee is continuing its process. Food Service is running smoothly but is short on labor. Transportation is struggling with after-school bus runs. The activity van is helping with enrichment and smaller athletic teams.

Conservation Commission: A member of the Southwick Conservation Commission and the Southwick Lake Management Committee has been asked to be a liaison between Southwick and Suffield for projects in Suffield with frontage on the lakes.

The Battery Storage Facility being discussed would be located at 1461 North Grand Street. The process is in its early design stages and eventually would have to be chosen by the State to initiate the permitting process with the Connecticut Siting Council. A lengthy discussion followed concerning potential environmental hazards and concerns about fire and vandalism.

Town Center Design Review Board: A request for replacement signs and façade improvements for Dunkin Donuts was discussed. The sign on the building will read “Dunkin” and will be internally lit similar to the existing sign. When a sign is replaced in the plaza, there has been an effort to have the signs replaced with a white background and black lettering. The letters for “Dunkin” shall be black on the building and freestanding pylon sign. Gooseneck lights to illuminate the building sign will be used and the magenta color shown on the façade shall be replaced with white or orange. Application revisions will be submitted for review and approval.

Economic Development: Towns in the Bradley Development League will be participating with Suffield featuring Kongsberg Automotive, MetFin, Roaring Acres Alpacas, and Friends of the Farm at Hilltop (FOFAH).

There have been inquiries about several properties on South Street in the Light Industrial Zone. The Broad Brook Brewery property was sold and will become the Hanger Pub and Brewery. Hilltop Academy Inc. has contacted staff and is interested in finding property for an independent school.

The Tax Investment Fund (TIF) program was a success with nineteen businesses approved for $240k. Also, the Small Business Passport event will be postponed until the fall or winter.

Permanent Building Commission: Commission members walked through Fire Stations #2 and #3, made observations, and asked building-related questions. The Capital Improvement worksheets were reviewed. Concern was expressed about the ranking system used by Tecton as some buildings could have been penalized due to the process used. They are looking at ways to simplify the ranking system to provide a fair evaluation of all buildings.

An engineer was at Babbs and noted the floor is buckling, most likely due to items being stored on it. They are waiting for a feasibility report on moving forward with any projects including Babbs.

The Cold Storage building is in good shape. The only deficiency noted was the lack of handicapped bathrooms. The Senior Center is also in very good shape.

Board of Selectmen: Discussion of the Town Right of Way took place. The goal is to keep track of construction performed on Town roads and ensure that when road work is being conducted, proper procedures are followed. It was suggested that the selectmen consider reactivating the Landfill Management Commission to assist in long-term planning.

The Finance Director position has been filled, and she will be on board soon. Rapid Platform Pedestrian Signals installation has begun. One has been installed by the Suffield Academy and another is being installed near Marbern Drive. Additionally, the Town has been looking for volunteers for the Charter Revision Commission.

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