Selected from the pages of the Windsor Locks Journal and lightly annotated by Wendy Taylor, Kent Memorial Library.
July 4
Frank Demorat, who disappeared from his farm on North street on May 9 after saying that he was going to a hospital for treatment and who could not be located by the police, was found this week by E. N. Stratton, from whom Demorat purchased a small farm early in the spring. Mr. Stratton, having heard of a man working on the highways in Ludlow, Mass., answering the description of Demorat, went to that place and found Demorat. The only explanation Demorat would give was that he had become tired of farming and had decided to abandon his farm for good. Mr. Stratton received a quit-claim deed from Demorat and will work this farm along with his own the remainder of the season.
July 11
Miss Frances Michel came home for the Fourth from Harvard University, where she is doing research work.
July 18
Samples of several types of school desks have been secured and have been placed in the town building for inspection of the building committee of the schoolhouse, now under construction on Bridge street.
July 25
The annual clambake of the Suffield Fish and Game Association will be held at Babb’s Grove, Congamond.
Burton and Donald Root and Henry King have returned from a week’s camping trip at Congamond.
August 1
Under the direction of Joseph B. Kulas…a Polish political club is being formed to meet Thursday nights in St. Joseph’s hall on Main street. The purpose of the club will be to assist those desirous of becoming citizens. A large class has already enrolled and is receiving instruction in citizenship and naturalization laws.
The extreme dry weather of the past few weeks was slightly relieved by rain Wednesday which laid the dust but was not heavy enough to help the crops.
August 8
Luther Nathaniel Curtis, aged 83 years, a native of this place and a resident here for many years, died at his home on Main street…he was a Civil War veteran, enlisting with the 21st Connecticut Volunteers, when 21 years of age. He served all though the war, receiving his discharge in September, 1864…At the battle of Cold Harbor, Mr. Curtis was wounded in the neck and lay up on the field for three days before he was found.
August 15
Two bathers, a man and a woman, from Westfield, narrowly escaped from drowning in Congamond lake…The woman could not swim and got into deep water and the man went to her assistance and was seized in such a manner by the woman bather that it was impossible for him to render assistance to her or himself. John R. Colli of Windsor Locks jumped into the water and succeeded in breaking the hold of the woman. The man swam to shore, and the woman was brought to safety by Colli.
The thunder shower last Sunday broke the drouth.
August 22
While one of the large iron girders was being hoisted into place at the new school on Bridge street…, the tackle broke. The girder, weighing several tons, crashed to the ground, wrecking a portion of the north and west walls in its descent. A number of men were at work in close proximity, but fortunately no one was injured.
Tobacco harvesting is now being rushed in every section of the town and large gangs of men and women are being employed.
Felix Narcowski reported to the officers…that party or parties unknown during the night had entered his poultry house and carried off about fifty chickens.