Dog Days at Hilltop

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Photo provided by Kate Harding
Dog Days Friendly Pups

If you visit Hilltop Farm on Sunday mornings, you have seen a group of folks working with their dogs on the field south of Hilltop. It’s fascinating to watch the dogs following their trainers’ instructions.

Do you want to get in on the fun?

The Dreiländer Dog Training club will be hosting “Dog Days” activities in the open space at Hilltop on Saturday, Aug 3 between 10 a.m. and noon. There will be article search, protection, obedience and agility demonstrations and plenty of opportunity to ask questions about the club’s dogs and your own. Plus, a chance to teach your own dog a trick or to try a little agility. Come join us, it’s FREE!!!

For everyone’s safety, dogs that are not participating should stay home.

Hope to see you there!

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