Introducing Mary Curtin

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Mary Curtin

Suffield Community Aid (SCA) has been serving residents of Suffield for over 120 years. What began in 1903 as the Emergency Aid Association to meet the medical needs of residents, has grown and developed into a thriving social services agency providing critical assistance and enriching programs to residents in need.

On May 15, SCA welcomed Mary Curtin, MSW, as the new Executive Director. Mary comes to SCA with a comprehensive understanding of casework and strategic practices. Most recently she has served as the Director of Professional Education at Smith College School for Social Work. She has over 20 years of experience in various social service settings and those experiences will serve our community well. Mary is a results-oriented leader with skills in developing programs and events. She is adept at building relationships and supervising and mentoring staff and volunteers alike.

When asked what drew Mary to Suffield Community Aid, she said, “I was drawn to this organization because it is small but mighty. For the size of the community and organization, there are so many tangible ways that SCA helps Suffield residents.” Mary shared with me that the beauty of social work is that there is so much you can do with your degree. For her, what has felt meaningful to work on has changed throughout her career and currently SCA is a good fit. She can have a direct impact helping people. SCA is unique in its “one stop shop” for so many social services including our food bank and garden, medical equipment loans, energy assistance programs, housing repair, social service consultations and so much more. Our staff can be flexible and creative in finding solutions to help residents in need.

SCA Board President, Marla Adelsberger, says, “Mary has an impressive resume and calm demeanor. She embodies the values we need from a leader in the social services setting of Suffield.” The entire Board of Directors is confident that our clients, volunteers, community stakeholders and donors will find her to be a wonderful addition to SCA. Mary’s warmth and level of care and expertise is evident. Please feel free to introduce yourself and welcome her to Suffield!

To learn more about how SCA can help you, a family member, neighbor, or friend, please visit our website at or stop in and meet our staff.

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