SCA Spotlight:
Congratulations to our Award Recipients:
• James Coggins Jr. Community Service Award recipient is Andrew Bombard
• Kathy Ostrowski Memorial Nursing Award recipient is Skyla Darvil
• Jane Purtill Fuller for Nursing or Social Services recipient is Shirley Montero Pesantez
• Forward Focus Scholarships recipients were Luke Robles and Carlo Rodriguez

SCA celebrated our volunteers this month with a special event on June 13. We are so grateful to all those that give their time to support SCA programs and other Suffield residents. Pictured above from left to right are: Tom from Community Renewal Team, Len Hodgman, SCA Volunteer, Jo Dzioba, SCA Meals on Wheels Coordinator and Frani Leonard, SCA Volunteer.
What’s Happening at SCA this Summer?
School Supply Collection Needs Your Donations: We are collecting only NEW items for the “Return-to-School Backpack Program” to assist qualified school-age children in Suffield. Backpacks, One and Two Inch 3-ring binders, Post-its, calculators, ear buds, page dividers, glue sticks, white out, erasers, colored markers (fine and broad tip), dry-erase markers, pencil sharpeners, highlighters, scissors, index cards, and pencil pouches are needed. Please drop off your donations to 450 South Street, Monday – Friday between 8am – 4pm.
SCA Garden: Youth in need of community service hours are encouraged to contact SCA to help maintain our garden this summer. Please email Mary at if you’re interested.
Utility Financial Assistance: Operation Fuel is slated to re-open applications for utility assistance in August. Call SCA for more information.
Meals-on-Wheels Volunteers Needed: SCA is looking for a few new volunteer drivers for Meals on Wheels. Both standing routes and substitute routes are available. Please call SCA at 860-668-1986 if you are interested.
Some Ongoing Programs and Updates:
Food Pantry: Our Food Pantry is well-stocked and available to Suffield residents. Appointments are required. Please call SCA to learn more.
Meals-on-Wheels: Meals are delivered 5 days per week by SCA volunteers to Suffield seniors 60+ or disabled adults who are homebound. No financial qualifications in order to participate. Please call SCA for more information.
Memory Café: Join Pat Beeman, MSW for an informal group for individuals with cognitive loss and their loved ones. The group will meet in the multi-purpose room at the SCA on July 25 & August 29 from 11:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m. Light refreshments will be served. Please call Pat at SCA to register (860) 668-1986.
Parkinson’s Support Group: The group will not meet during the months of July and August. We’ll resume in September.
Free Social Services Consultations: To schedule a time to meet with Pat Beeman, MSW, please call Suffield Community Aid at (860) 668-1986.
Nutmeg Senior Rides: In conjunction with Nutmeg Senior Rides, Suffield Community Aid has funding to assist financially qualified Suffield residents, age 65 and older, or persons with a disability, to get to their desired destination. Call SCA to see if you qualify.
Lunch Subsidies at the Senior Center: SCA continues to offer lunch subsidies to cover the cost of 2 meals per week at the Senior Center for financially eligible residents. Enjoy a home-cooked meal on us! Call SCA to see if you qualify.
SCA has Camp Subsidies for Qualified Suffield Residents: The maximum subsidy is 80% of the camp cost, not to exceed $400 per child per summer. Subsidies can be used for any camp that works best for you and your child.
Rental Rebate Program for Elderly & Disabled Residents:
The State provides a reimbursement program for renters who are elderly or disabled, and whose incomes do not exceed certain limits. Rebates are based on the percentage of income versus rent and utility expenses. SCA is scheduling appointments now.