Primary Results

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Two Senatorial primaries were held in Suffield on August 13.

A Democrat Primary was held for the office of State Senator District 7 – Out of 2493 eligible voters 240 electors voted in the primary. There were sixteen absentee ballots, 174 polling place ballots and 50 early voting ballots cast. Candidate Cynthia Mangini received 183 votes and Nathan Wolliston received 55 votes.

A Republican Primary was held for the office of United States Senator. Out of 2815 eligible voters, 166 electors voted in the primary. There were three absentee ballots, 150 polling place ballots and 13 early voting ballots cast. Candidate Gerry Smith received 39 votes and Matthew M. Corey received 126 votes.

Electors had three options in which to cast their ballots. They could vote at the town hall during the seven days of early voting, at the polls on Primary Day or by using the absentee ballot process.

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