Hilltop Farm Oktoberfest Details

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According to Oktoberfest event chairman Joe Gervascio, be prepared for great German food, drink and partying on Oct. 5 if you’re attending the event at Hilltop Farm. He said tickets may still be available from the hilltopfarmsuffield.org home page.

Attendees must be over 21 and have their QR-coded ticket or a photo ID to be admitted.

He explained that the main entrance to the big white barn will be blocked to incoming traffic. Instead, he asked attendees to enter through the southern driveway to the farm.
Returning to Hilltop’s Oktoberfest from last year are the popular Simsbury band Organized Chaos and the food caterer, Smoke BBQ, said Gervasco.

“We’ll be serving 300 guests,” he said. “We’d appreciate help managing the event.” So, if you’re willing to offer a hand, he asked that you please click on the volunteer link at hilltopfarmsuffield.org.

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