Nora Blakely and Natalie Ho
On October 15 the Suffield Rotary honored two Suffield High School seniors at the Suffield Country Club.
Congratulations to the Rotary Student of the Month for September, Nora Blakely!
Nora’s teachers believe she is a great example of service above self. She has been instrumental in helping to create and print the Homecoming tickets for the past three years. She learned how to operate the laser and has produced many items. She is part of the SHS Manufacturing to Marketing group, is creative, detail oriented and sees ideas through to a finished product. Additionally, Nora is a rockstar in Yearbook class. She is out selling advertisements in her free time to fund the yearbook and initiates other tasks and projects whenever needed. She is a self-starter and an assertive, polite young leader who is not afraid to speak her mind. Her teachers report that Nora is enjoyable to talk with during class, while being positive and willing to share ideas with the class. She does an excellent job helping other students get motivated to complete activities in class. With her drive and initiative, she is bound to find success in college and beyond.
Congratulations to the Rotary Student of the Month for October, Natalie Ho!
According to her teachers, Natalie is a hardworking, motivated and successful student. They appreciate her willingness to reflect authentically on her experiences and connect them to the course. Through her written reflections, Natalie has demonstrated the qualities of kindness, authenticity and personal growth. Furthermore, Natalie’s attention to detail in class, as well as homework assignments has impressed her teachers. Natalie makes insightful connections with the content and her own experiences. She is also a dedicated member of the cross-country team and is well respected by her peers. After training for months, she’s not afraid to run a race in freezing cold, rainy conditions. She is determined both in and outside the classroom. Her future is bright.
Well done, Nora and Natalie!