The Suffield Police Department has taken the lead in efforts to replace the 32-year-old radio system that emergency first responders rely on and other town services used here in Suffield. The current system was brought on line around 1991-92 and has been in use ever since. There was a three-phase effort around 2011 to improve reception and make the system last as long as possible. The first two phases were completed, but the third phase was not finished. This was due to the structural integrity of the current radio towers that are in still in use today.
The radio system provides emergency communications for fire, ambulance and police services when people call for help in town. The radio system in Suffield also provides communications for our Department of Public Works, Water Pollution Control Authority and the Suffield Public School System. The school system uses their radios for internal communications but these radios also have a feature that allows direct communication with the police department in a crisis. The Town of Suffield boards responsible for leading the town asked many questions about the need and what an effective communications system would look like. They also asked for as much information as could be provided regarding all the options for modernizing the radio system.
Key stakeholders have been involved in the process of determining the best course of action to replace the aging system. This not only included the fire, EMS and police chiefs, but also the leaders of DPW, our IT Director and our First Selectman. A consultant was hired to conduct a study on the best possible solutions for emergency communications in town and specifications were determined. The Town of Suffield sent out the Request for Proposals (RFP) based on the needs of the town. The goal of the new system is expand our coverage to meet the emergency communication national standard to maximize the safety of all the people and first responders in Suffield. A vendor has been chosen and now we are working on finalizing the details of the project to create a modern emergency services radio system.
All those involved in the planning of the project met with the Boards of Selectmen and Finance on October 15 to present the current status of the project. Board of Selectmen and Finance members asked questions regarding the project and Chief Canon and the project consultants provided answers based on all the information gathered. Members of the Boards agreed there is a pressing need to modernize the entire communications system. Now the focus of effort will be how to fund the project in the most appropriate manner.
The goal of all the people involved in this process continues to be the safety of the people of the Town of Suffield when they are in their moments of greatest need. The safety of all the professional and volunteer members of the emergency services community are always a priority as well. Once this project is finished, the Town of Suffield will have an emergency radio system that will protect us all and last well into the future.