We want to thank all those who supported our Scholarship Fundraiser on September 28. We met our goal and had a great time listening to the music of Don Ledoux and Friends, enjoying the incredible food provided by Smoke BBQ of East Windsor and awarding the more than fifty raffle prizes donated from local businesses and individuals. We also want to thank our generous sponsors: Artioli Dodge, AMP Electrical, Artioli Realty, Windsor Hardwood International, Aqua Pump, Connecticut Custom Car, Twin Brooks Restoration, Vincent Farm and Dr. Walter and Helen Kope.
Veterans Day: A ceremony will be held at the Veterans War Memorial at 11 a.m., with the unveiling and dedication of the Global War on Terror Memorial, followed by a reception at Post 9544 on Sheldon Street. Public Welcome.
Marine Corps Birthday Dinner: On November 10, 1775, the Second Continental Congress authorized: “Resolved, That Two Battalions of Marines Be Raised” thus creating what would become the United States Marine Corps. To celebrate the 249th birthday of the Corps, a dinner will be held November 9 at 6 p.m. Tickets are $20 each, seating is limited. Available at the Post or Call/Text 860-478-7691.
Membership: If you are a veteran who has honorably served and has participated in a war, campaign, or expedition on foreign soil or hostile waters and want to be a part of our dynamic and expanding organization; helping veterans and our community; please visit the Post during Duke’s Canteen hours or email: suffieldvfw9544@gmail.com.
Duke’s Canteen: Come be a guest of a veteran at Duke’s Canteen; open at 4:30 p.m. every Wednesday through Sunday. Duke’s has multiple TV screens showing sports, news, or game shows, you can also play a game of pool or darts and listen to music.
Veterans Breakfast: On the first Saturday of each month, we offer a full breakfast prepared by volunteers for veterans and sponsored by local businesses and citizens as well as our Post. A chance for veterans and their families to share a meal and perhaps make new acquaintances or meet an old friend from the past.
Do you know a veteran in need? Anyone who knows a veteran in need; please contact the Post at suffieldvfw9544@gmail.com or call (860)758-5174 and leave a detailed message.