Bringing Winter Beauty to Your Home

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On Monday, December 2, the Suffield Garden Club will host “Embracing Winter’s Beauty” with Willow and Moss owner Ahrayah Julian. In this program, Ahrayah will demonstrate how to bring the enchanting beauty of nature indoors during the winter months by creating stunning arrangements using natural florals and organic elements. At least four designs will be created, and some fortunate attendees may get to take an arrangement home.

Photo by Ahrayah Julian
One of the beautiful winter themed arrangements by guest speaker Ahrayah Julian.

Ahrayah has over 20 years of experience working in the florist industry. “I have a great passion for floral design,” she says. “I’m deeply inspired by the beauty nature has to offer and I truly enjoy sharing my passion and floral artistry with the world.” Her floral design company is located in West Springfield, Massachusetts.

The program will be held at 12 noon, following the business meeting and luncheon, at the Second Baptist Church, 100 North Main Street, Suffield. The entrance to the community room is at the back of the building on the lower level. Members and guests are welcome. The guest fee is $10. Attendees are encouraged to bring non-perishable donations for the Suffield Community Aid food bank.

The Suffield Garden Club, organized in 1934, is a non-profit organization dedicated to the beautification of Suffield. To see updates and photos, follow us on Facebook. To become a member or see the full calendar, visit

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