Happy New Year! I hope all of our residents enjoyed their holiday season and are ready to greet 2025 with renewed energy and focus. I know that all of us here at Town Hall are ready. Over the last two months we have said goodbye to one of our dedicated Selectmen, welcomed a new face to the Board of Selectmen and made progress on the long-awaited Emergency Radio Services Project. I would like to share with you what we have been up to and what is to come in the next few months.
Selectman Jerry Mahoney has stepped down as a member of the Board of Selectmen. I would personally like to thank Jerry for all his work and efforts as a member and somebody I could consistently rely on throughout my three years in office. Jerry was always well researched, thoughtful and one of the most dedicated and committed members of our Board. You’ll be missed. Good luck in Florida, Jerry. The Board of Selectmen has filled the vacancy with Klaire Bielonko. You may very well recognize the last name from the family farm stand on East St., but Klaire has been serving on the Historic District Commission and Library Commission for the past few years. Welcome Klaire, and I look forward to doing great work together this upcoming year.
Towards the end of December, residents through Town Meeting approved to move forward with bonding for $5,230,000 for our Emergency Radio Services Project, and just over $4,000,000 for new HVAC systems at the high school and McAlister, of which, 50% is covered by the State. Thank you to the overwhelming number of residents who came out to support the critical infrastructure needs of our first responders and the schools.
Suffield Alight was once again another successful event. Thanks to those who came out in the freezing temps, but a big thank you to my assistant Kris Lambert, the Community Services Department, and the DPW for getting the event organized and set up.
The Town is currently in ongoing negotiations for five Collective Bargaining Agreements (CBA): Town Hall, Library, Dispatch, WPCA, and Police.
The development for our FY 25/26 budget has started. My initial estimate less insurance and unsettled wage increases through the five CBA’s is right around 1%, about a $180,000 increase. Those interested can follow along at Board of Finance meetings beginning every Monday, February 17 at 7 p.m.
We had just over $26,000 of remaining funds from completed projects through the American Rescue Plan (ARPA) Funds. We have allocated those to purchase an ATV replacement for the Police Department and a road saw for the DPW.
The following Board and Commission seats may still be vacant for those interested in volunteering: Social Services, Library, Permanent Building, Parks and Recreation, and Historic District.
Our new Associate Library Director recently started; welcome Liz Bologna. The Fire Department has hired three career members who will be attending our newly required training at the Fire Academy this month.
Don’t forget to check out the great programs and activities offered by our Library and Community Services Departments.
Stay warm, spring is less than two months away and as always, my door at Town Hall is always open….and fear not, the flag at my house has been replaced 😉