A Suffield couple took the Observer to Cancun, Mexico for a destination wedding in mid-May. Pictured at the reception are, from the left, in front: Julia Baldini, Pamela Baldini, Brandon Potemski, Gerry Baldini, Norma Navarro Baldini and Justin Baldini (the bride and groom), Damon Baldini, Joyce Preissner and Andy Preissner. Justin Richter is standing in the back.
“Milkshake the Cow” aka Suffield Economic Development Director Patrick McMahon, took the Observer to Southington on May 15 to promote Suffield businesses and organizations at Daytrips & Destinations, a Connecticut summer planning and travel show at the Aqua Turf Club, hosted by The Hartford Courant and Fox 61.
Suzy and Jim Irwin took the Observer along when they visited a flower market in Paris on a cool day in April. Ooh, La ,La! C’est beau. Et l’arome!
Suffield expatriates Ann and Joe Harry, now residents of Burlington, Vt., apparently wanted us to know that they still had an interest in the Observer.
Steve Dunn and Ann Borracci, celebrating their 30th wedding anniversary, pose with the Observer for an early May moment in southeast Utah among the thousands of wind-carved arches in Arches National Park. Congratulations, travelers!
After the Pullen family enjoyed refreshing cups of Gelato, Zack Pullen holds the Observer for a photo before the skyline of Perugia, in central Italy, the “Universities City” where Kalina has been studying for the fall semester. From the left: Zack, Kalina and Anne.