From the pages of the Windsor Locks Journal, selected and lightly annotated by Lester Smith, Historian of the Town and the Suffield Historical Society.
October 6
The annual town meeting Monday brought out a fair vote . . . 317 straight republican and 102 straight Democratic ballots [out of 466 votes cast, for selectmen and local offices. At the business meeting] Selectman Peckham called attention to the statutes prohibiting doors opening inward on any buildings used for public gatherings and said that he had plans for changing the doors on the Town hall drawn by R. T. Alcorn of Hartford, . . . Mr. Alcorn explained his plan for changing the doors to open outward and said the expense would be around $130. Upon motion it was voted to proceed with the work.
A motion to lay a tax of 8 mills for the payment of town indebtedness and expenses was carried without debate.
The new business block of John Barnett, Jr., which is being erected on Main street, is nearing completion and it is expected that the Suffield Market will move into its store next week. . . . The building will be finished outside with a coat of stucco.
At a meeting of the directors of the Farmers’ Mutual Life Insurance Company, yesterday, it was voted to make an assessment to meet the loss caused by fire at the home of Timothy Miskill last Friday evening.
Marshall Brown, son of A. A. Brown, has entered Wesleyan University, Middletown.
October 13
E. Gerry Hastings of Suffield, who is to pack tobacco at his warehouse here for the American Sumatra Tobacco Company, has engaged Joseph J. Barnett to take charge of the place this winter.
The hunters who have been tramping through the woods looking for birds, report that they are scarce this season.
October 20
Arrangements are about completed for the “Community Carnival” to be held in the Suffield School gymnasium the evenings of October 31 and November 1. The carnival is for the benefit of the Emergency Aid Association and is to provide for the visiting nurse the coming year.
The lecture recently given by the Rev. R. S. MacArthur for the benefit of the Third Baptist church netted the church about $80.
October 27
[During the “Community Carnival,”] a street parade is planned for the afternoon of October 31, consisting in part of two military companies from Suffield School [which became Suffield Academy], in their new uniforms and arms. Various floats are to be in line, one arranged by the Polish residents, another by the colored citizens, while a third is under the Emergency Aid Association, representing the work of the “Community Nurse,” and perhaps others.
The whole line is to be led by the “Spirit of ‘76” with drum and fife, starting from the campus of Suffield School at 4 p.m., the line of march being to Fuller’s Corner on the north and Boston Neck road on the south.
Arrangements have been made by Charles L. Spencer with J. H. Day, telegraph operator at the railroad station, to install a private wire in the Town hall to receive the election results on the evening of election day. Admission will be charged and everybody is invited to attend.
An auction sale of stock and farm machinery will be held at the home of D. N. Carrington on South Main street [the Hatheway House], next Thursday afternoon at one o’clock.
Wallace R. Sikes of New Kensington, Pa., made a short visit recently with his uncle, Howard D. Sikes.