Photo by Mary Ann Muska
First Selectman Melissa Mack moved her “office” to the Town Green so she could converse with Town residents during Suffield on the Green. Steve Shanks finds it a great opportunity to catch up on the latest happenings.

Photo by Mary Ann Muska
Eddie Gaugin of Suffield High (left) and Dominic Leonard of Windsor Locks High proudly display their Aces High robot.

Photo by Lauren Life
Eliza Childs holds the paper and Anne Stanley the ice cream. The two Observer board members enjoyed their time working together at the Observer’s booth.

Photo by Mary Ann Muska
Boomer, a Bernese Mountain Dog, poses for the camera. He was very proud of his performance at the dog contest, where he obeyed all his commands.

Photo by Guy Balsamo
Assistant Scoutmaster Chris Sikes hands over another order of Troop 260’s kettle corn.

Photo by Mary Ann Muska
Maria Andrade (left) and Sandra Charkiewicz of the Friends of Suffield are ready to offer help at the information booth at the two-day event.

Photo by Mary Ann Muska
Alanna Dolan (8) really enjoys her fried dough and the cooler weather on Sunday afternoon.

Photo by Mary Ann Muska
Rayne Daigle, 6, very carefully ventures out on Boy Scout Troop 260’s rope bridge. Scout leader Mike Cremins and Scout Jacob Quinn assure her safety for the crossing.

Photo by Guy Balsamo
Wearing complementary colors, Daisy and Sara await their turn for the next event in the dog show.