Coldwell Banker in Suffield Gives Back

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Coldwell Banker of Suffield makes another sizable donation from their own agents to the Suffield Emergency Aid Association. Agents work hard all year, and with gratitude offer some of their earnings to a charitable nonprofit. Pictured are (from the left) Sally Peters (Coldwell Banker), Janet Frechette (Suffield Emergency Aid), Sheila O’Connor (Coldwell Banker).

Photo by Sheila O’Connor

Coldwell Banker of Suffield makes another sizable donation from their own agents to the Suffield Emergency Aid Association. Agents work hard all year, and with gratitude offer some of their earnings to a charitable nonprofit. Pictured are (from the left) Sally Peters (Coldwell Banker), Janet Frechette (Suffield Emergency Aid), Sheila O’Connor (Coldwell Banker).

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