Libby Lord
Libby grew up in Windsor, the youngest of five children. She had an idyllic childhood scouring the woods for hours, building snow forts, catching minnows and returning home before dark. One steamy July day, Libby’s dad loaded the kids in the family station wagon to take them to the annual fireman’s picnic. At the picnic, there was a raffle which turned out to be a fortunate event. Libby’s ticket was picked and she claimed her prize; a camera. She clutched the camera in her small hands, rarely letting it out of her sight. Libby learned how to take pictures and her allowance was used to buy film. In high school, she started to develop black-and-white film and she upgraded her camera to keep up with the times.
Before she knew it, it was time to get ready for college and her camera was not to be left behind. She tucked it in her suitcase filled with jeans, a stereo system, typewriter, and other essentials for college life in the 80s, as she flew the coop. Libby headed east to UConn to pursue her degree in English. But on days when there were no sonnets to decipher, she made time for photography and took a few classes to improve her skills. Libby graduated and found a job as an advertising consultant working primarily with newspapers. And she put down roots in Suffield. With all this adult responsibility, she found she needed a better, more modern camera, trading her 33 mm film camera for a digital one. She delved into learning how her new camera worked and took tutorials to learn how to produce the best image. And she had an eye for a good photograph.
One day a friend invited her to spend some time at a wildlife sanctuary and Libby was hooked. She rose to the challenge of photographing birds and soon found that she needed a really long lens to capture them, and a steady hand. Out in the field, behind the lens, Libby has been able to combine her artist eye with her passion for the great outdoors. So, pretty soon, Libby was devoting as much free time as possible to taking images of the local bird population. She learned many of their calls to help her zoom in on a particular breed. She became familiar with migration patterns and seasonal visitors and, of course, developed the patience of a saint. Pretty soon it was evident that Libby’s hobby was growing in leaps and bounds. She decided to publicize her work. She created her own galleries on Fine Arts America and activated a Facebook page: Libby Lord Photography. She has created calendars, photographs, and notecards, which she sells, and many of her photographs have been in local papers such as ours. She also participates in forums, exchanging pointers and information on photography and bird sightings. Her work is currently in a show in New London, highlighting women photographers in our state. After a brief conversation with Libby, it is clear that she combines her passion behind the camera lens with her commitment to conservation. She understands the importance of giving wildlife space and about being active stewards of the earth. And it all started with a raffle ticket. I think I’ll go out and purchase one today.