Avery Berg, 4½, and Sid the African Spur-Thighed Tortoise both smile for their portrait during the 2017 Farm Fest at Hilltop Farm on Labor Day. Sid was among the visitors from Adam Harris’s Reptiles & Amphibians program in Avon.

Lucas Kaplan of Hastings Farm, 9, pilots his 60-year-old Power King around the Hilltop Farm barn in the Farm Fest tractor parade.

From front to back: Caleb York, 9; Sophia Piteo, 4; and Savannah York, 3; make friends with Hilltop Farm’s fancifully painted cow.

Braden Parrelli, 8, encounters a quizzical hog in one of the dead ends as he wends his way through the burlap maze at Farm Fest.

Young cousins Lark Bromage, 5, and Rory MacGovern, 9, dancing up a storm at FOFAH’s Harvest Dinner on September 2, are grandchildren of Ginny Bromage and Eileen and Bill Moncrief.

Julia Collier and her assistant Willow show a pair of American Kestrals to a “full house” audience during their “Birds of Prey” demonstration by the door of Hilltop Farm’s giant barn.