Players Stage Wild and Wacky Comedy

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p25_n03_Suffield_Players_LogoIf you enjoy the craziness of “I Love Lucy,” get ready for The Suffield Players production of Ken Ludwig’s Moon Over Buffalo!

This hilarious play performs on February at 8, 9, 10, 16, 17, *18, 23 and 24 at 8 p.m. (*2 pm matinee) at Mapleton Hall in Suffield.

The Madcap Plot: George and Charlotte Hay are actor/producers of a small-time theatre in Buffalo, N.Y. during the 1950s. Amid back and onstage chaos, mistaken identities, love affairs and other comical catastrophes, they discover that their big break in Show Biz has come… or has it?? Come to Suffield in February to find out!

The Cast: Rachel Berezin (Longmeadow), om Hebert Farmington), Rick O’Neil (Springfield), Lisa Parker (Suffield), Jen Rawlings (Windsor), Konrad Rogowski and Andrew Ross (Chicopee), and Kelly Seip (Springfield).

Behind-the-Scenes Talents: Direction by Denise Boutin (Suffield), Set Design by Denise Boutin (Suffield) and Konrad Rogowski (Chicopee), Technical Direction and Lighting Design by Jerry Zalewski (Enfield), Master Carpentry by Art Christian (Suffield), Stage Management by Jason Fregeau (Longmeadow), and Costume Design by Jane McGinn (Newington). Produced by Ron Balaska (Somers).

Moon Over Buffalo (Ludwig) is presented by special arrangement with Samuel French, Inc. Recommended for ages 13 and up. All performances in Mapleton Hall, 1305 Mapleton Avenue.

Ticket Price: $19 ($13 Opening Night). Discounts available for groups, seniors and students, as well as season subscribers.

Call 800-289-6148 to reserve tickets, or order online at

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