If you are looking for something different to do during this winter, visit Hilltop Farm and enjoy the self-guided tour of trees.
Eagle Scout candidate Michael Sattan has been busy identifying and building markers for trees along the northern lane-way trails of Hilltop Farm. His project consisted of installing posts with nameplates around the nature trail that identify different species of trees. Each nameplate has a QR Code (Quick Response Code) that can be read by a smart phone to provide additional detailed information on each tree. His Eagle Scout project’s goal is to educate the public about the role trees play in our ecosystem, and how important trees are to everyday life.
Michael is a member of Boy Scout Troop 260 and a student at Suffield High School. The tree information project was his Eagle Scout community service project.
Friends of the Farm at Hilltop (FOFAH) leases and manages Hilltop Open Space for the Town and encourages everyone to enjoy the trails at Hilltop Farm.