A Moment in Time: Old Photos Invited from Our Readers
Photo provided by Dorian Taylor
Twenty-nine students of Room 5A pose in 1930 for their end-of-year class portrait on the steps of the girls’ entrance at the old Bridge Street School. Teacher Lena Marcette stands at top center. The children’s first names and final initials are listed on the back for 25 of them, but not in order of their position; of those, 22 were identified fully by Dorian Taylor from listings in the 1930 Census. But the only one whose position in the portrait is certain is her father, Andy Love, third from right in the second row down. Six teachers taught in the old Bridge Street School at that time, and eight more in the new school across the street. The old school was razed in 1966 to make way for the Maple Court housing project.