In our February issue, the Observer published a description of the pavement problems on the newly-relocated Lake Road, and First Selectman Melissa Mack provided a comprehensive description of a remediation program in her Observer column in March. The program had been worked out with input from residents along with planning sessions with Town Engineer Gerry Turbet, Highway Foreman Mark Cervione, and representatives of Crestview Construction, the Southwick company that now owns the major portion of the new road. Crestview had built the road as one of the conditions of their purchase of the property to harvest sand and gravel from elsewhere on the 74-acre parcel.
Viewed on March 12, just before the heavy, wet snowfall, the road had no significant potholes, but its surface was largely a rather coarse gravel that made for a noisy ride. From the First Selectman’s report, one can expect that this surface, being built up where required, will eventually be covered with processed aggregate and finally paved. And just as this reporter was departing, a large front loader came slowly out of the working sand pit area and rumbled down to a stretch of the road close to the new turning circle, where the load was spread.
As for the two lawsuits mentioned in the Observer’s last update, CLEPO vs. Pellerin and Wilson vs. the Town of Suffield, the Superior Court website shows no new activity.