The April meeting of the Polish Heritage Society will be held on Wednesday, the 4th, at 10 a.m. in the Suffield Ambulance Center at 205 Bridge St. The guest for that meeting will be Susan Urban of West Springfield. Ms. Urban is a Polish artist who creates intricate designs called “Wycinanki”, the Polish word for paper-cut designs. According to the artist, this type of art originated in Poland during the early part of the 18th century and served as an inexpensive way for Polish peasants to decorate their homes. The original designs had no sketch or stencils to use. Large sheep shears were used to make the cuts. Different designs, colors and how complex they are, tell how they are connected to regions of Poland. If attending, please bring embroidery (or small metal) scissors, a pencil, eraser and ruler. Paper and glue sticks will be provided.
The March presentation by Jim Turek about St. Joseph Church history was canceled due to a winter storm warning and has been rescheduled for May 2.
Anyone with an interest in the Polish culture is welcome to attend these meetings. It is not necessary to be a Suffield resident.