Polish Heritage Society
You didn’t have to be of Polish descent to enjoy the Suffield Historical Society’s annual HolidayFest 2024.
The Suffield Observer (
You didn’t have to be of Polish descent to enjoy the Suffield Historical Society’s annual HolidayFest 2024.
Every December, the Suffield Historical Society welcomes visitors to the King House Museum for Holiday Fest, or this year, Festyn Świąteczny, with a unique Polish art and culture theme.
For the third consecutive year, the annual Kolędy Concert, arranged by Jim Turek, will be held at Sacred Heart Church on Wednesday, December 4.
The Suffield Polish Heritage Society will meet on Wednesday, November 6 at 10 a.m. at the Ambulance Center on Bridge Street.
The Polish Heritage Society is pleased to announce two events during Polish American Heritage Month.
The next Historical Society meeting is scheduled for Wednesday, Oct. 9, at 7:30 p.m. at the Suffield Ambulance Center.
The Alexander King House, a 260-year-old treasure, urgently needs your support!
You may have seen this name in a school, a church, a gymnasium, the library or the VFW Post. You may have wondered, “Who was Amiel P. Zak?”
The Polish Heritage Society (PHS) discontinued its monthly meetings during the COVID-19 epidemic and has been unable to resume them regularly.
The Suffield Historical Society had a bustling day on the King House property on May 11.