First Church Events

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First Church of Christ is holding the following events in June. All are welcome!

Worship, Sundays, 10 a.m., Sanctuary

6/4: Community Conversations–Building Communities of Care. First Church participates in these conversations, held at Suffield Police Department–Amiel P. Zak Community Room. These conversations help promote healing, recovery, and healthy communities.

6/5: Prayer Shawl Ministry meets at 10 a.m. in the Ebenezer Gay Room

6/6: Bible Study, 10 a.m., Ebenezer Gay Room.

Communion Luncheon, 12 p.m., Ebenezer Gay Room.

6/9: Praise Choir Rehearsal, Choir Loft–Praise Choir is an intergenerational Choir that performs  secular songs during select Sunday Worship Services, led by our Music Minister and Organist Noah Smith. We encourage anyone who wants to join Praise Choir!

6/10: Celebration Sunday Worship and annual church picnic. Come and join us in faith as we lift up all the many things we have to celebrate from this year! Worship begins at 10 a.m.

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