A Suffield entrepreneur who moved his family from one end of Halladay Avenue to the other recently is now planning to move his business from Southwick to a warehouse he will build on South Street. Jeff Wasilewski intends to move his third-party Amazon retailer business from Southwick, with eight employees now and plans for more. He had hoped to have broken ground by now, but a Suffield administrative snag interfered. He expects the delay to be brief.
The planned 14,600-square foot warehouse will also accommodate Wasilewski’s Artisan Owl business, identified in his website as a multi-faceted business specializing in toys, housewares, books, games, jewelry and more. The new warehouse will welcome walk-in customers for Artisan Owl.
The location is part of a seven-acre parcel that Reynolds Metal abandoned when they found they could not use or sell it, as the region is plagued by wetlands. In 2002 the Town of Suffield took it over for $1 – in effect for the unpaid taxes. Last year the Town subdivided the seven acres into four lots, each containing an adequate upland region for a useful industrial or commercial building. The sale of this 1.4-acre Lot 4 to Wasilewski is the first of the four.
The area has water service and will also be served by the extended sewer line completed on South Street in 2016 in the hope of facilitating such development.