Boy Scout Troop 260 awarded the Eagle Scout rank to Michael Kopec in a traditional candle-lighting ceremony at the Second Baptist Church on May 22. He has been a member of the troop for six years, participating fully in available Scout activities after completing the Cub Scout program.
Mike is a member of the Order of the Arrow and earned his Blue Nose award on a cold winter camp-out at 12 degrees F. He has served as an assistant senior patrol leader in the Scout troop.
For his Eagle Scout service project, Mike chose something that would benefit the Allied Rehabilitation Centers’ programs at Green Acres Farm in Enfield, a horse rescue farm filled with gentle four-legged giants whose friendship comforts Allied’s special needs clients. Mike planned and led a crew to construct a 7- x 8-foot storage shed on the farm to house tools needed in the agency’s work teaching life skills.