The Suffield-Windsor Locks joint robotics team, known as Aces High or Team 176, had one of their best seasons this past school year. This year’s robotics competition revolved around placing cubes (sometimes 7 feet high) on a scale type contraption. This would give the team points for every second the scale was leaning in their direction. At the end the robots had to climb up a bar about 6 feet high, which was quite a sight to see. Aces High competed in two local competitions in Waterbury as well as Hartford. While falling short at Hartford with a second-place finish they dominated the competition and won the Waterbury District Event. At both events they received the Quality Award, having the most durable and overall solid robot at these competitions. Because of these strong finishes the team traveled to Boston to compete against the best teams in New England. In a pool as skilled as New England, our local team finished second, becoming one of the top 6 teams in all of New England.
Soon after this major accomplishment the team discussed going to the World Championships which take place in Detroit. Because of financial constraints they were hesitant to go, but ultimately decided it was a once in a lifetime opportunity. After a long 14-hour bus ride there the team finished fourth in qualifying, advancing to the playoffs but falling short by mere inches. The chain on one of the wheels broke, rendering the robot immobile as they were placing the final block to secure a win in the semi-finals. Disappointed but glad they made it that far, Aces High returned home after a very successful season. As a member of this robotics team I must say the hard work and dedication put forth by these high school students and their mentors was incredible and I can’t wait to see how far we will go next year. The new season is coming up in September so be sure to keep a watchful eye out for these soaring aces.