Making Sense of Medicare

There is a lot of confusing information out there and in some cases contradictory.

Don’t throw out the recycling guide

The white 11 x 17 insert entitled Suffield Recycling and Disposal Guide should help you quickly determine how to treat common household items you’re ready to discard.

The Explosion that Rocked North Grand

Back in 1989, while on a ski trip with Arnold Gould and his friend Lloyd Cliff, Lloyd happened to mention that a foreclosure sale was coming up on the house and property next to him.

When is enough….enough?

Soon, the State of Connecticut (one of just ten states that have “bottle bills”) will implement a new bottle deposit rate of 10 cents on a variety of beverages.

Time for Financial Independence

Over the last year there has been a reoccurring conversation topic among my friends: when do we start passing expenses to our children?