Congratulations to the Friends of Suffield on another successful Suffield on the Green! Best SOTG ever! The event’s wonderful vibe included festivities for all ages. I extend the entire community’s gratitude to this tireless group whose enormous volunteer efforts truly enrich our town. I held First Selectman Office Hours both days and as always, they were a valuable opportunity to touch base with residents and get feedback on happenings in town which include the following:
New Community Calendar
The Town of Suffield unveiled a Community Calendar as a new feature within its website ( The calendar allows for posting of events in a common location and advertisement community-wide. Submission forms for inclusion are available on the website. This is part of my administration’s ongoing initiative to improve communications. The calendar both consolidates and maximizes efforts not only of Town Departments, but also our many nonprofit organizations. October highlights include:
• Saturday, October 13
350th Anniversary Golf Fundraiser – tickets still available
• Saturday, October 20
Scare-It-Up-Suffield scarecrow competition and fun
• Friday, October 26
Designer Purse Bingo supporting Suffield Community Aid
Please utilize this important tool to help spread the word about the great happenings in town.
Town Hall Project
Residents and boards raised concerns regarding the new build option:
• Impact on future town expansion by building on existing Town Hall site and in close proximity to main fire station.
• Cost effectiveness given complexity of two buildings conjoined by single entrance necessitated by the historic Charter Oak Tree.
We listened and solicited another option that builds a more traditional building on the current annex site. This incarnation adds space for Parks & Recreation, but streamlines connecting spaces to reduce approximately 1,000 square feet from prior versions. Cost estimates are underway and will be available shortly. All three Town Hall options (renovation; new build on current site; new build on annex site) are available on the Town website. Please note that all renderings and plans are preliminary at this stage and likely to change. I welcome and encourage input either directly to my office or via public comment at the board meetings outlined below; please confirm all dates via the Town website.
Upcoming Meetings
10/3 & 10/17 Board of Selectmen
10/4 & 10/18 Permanent Building Commission
10/9 Board of Finance
Late October or November Tentative Town Meeting to approve Town Hall and Relocation of Highway Garage
10/10 Town Meeting to approve:
• Five-year lease of town-owned land (Roesburg property) to Sunny Hill Farm
• Expenditure of $67,368.81 from Open Space Fund to purchase Deren Farm
• Acceptance of abandoned portion of Lake Road as Town Road
• Fiscal year 2017/18 budget transfers
Pedestrian Safety
With MGM’s Springfield casino grand opening and the debut of a new traffic initiative in Windsor Locks, the Town has intensified its focus on town wide traffic calming measures. Notably, many of our most problematic roads are State roads which involve additional constraints, prohibitions and approvals to the process so efforts are taking place within that environment. We are currently waiting on such a state permit for a sign for Mountain Road. “In street” pedestrian crossing signs were added to Bridge and South Main Streets. Soon thereafter the Bridge Street sign was hit not once but twice by honest Suffield residents who self-reported (and who shall remain nameless!) which only furthers the argument for improved street safety. Ongoing plans include “Your Speed” signs for Bridge Street, South Main Street and Mountain Road.
Suffield Community Aid
Congratulations to Suffield Community Aid (formerly Emergency Aid Association) on their new, warm and welcoming name and continued thanks for 115 years of supportive and outstanding service to the Town of Suffield!