Continuous Programs – New members welcome
Photo Café: First Tuesday, October 2, 6:30 p.m.
Writer’s Workshop:
Fourth Monday, October 22, 7 p.m.
Socrates Café:
Last Monday, October 29, 7 p.m.
Ask George . . .
technical questions about your digital devices, computers & gaming, Saturday, Oct. 20. Appointments at 10 a.m., 10:45 a.m. and 11:30 a.m.
Cookbook Club:
Tuesday, October 9 – Please contact Vicki McGuinness at the library for details.
Book Discussions:
Thursday Readers, October 11, 12:30 p.m., Children Of Dynmouth by William Trevor.
World Book Group, Thursday, October 18, 7 p.m., Lazy B by Sandra Day O’Connor.
Suffield By the River, Thursday, October 25, 2 p.m., Is Possible by Elizabeth Strout.
Books in the Parlor, Tuesday only, October 30 at the Phelps Hathaway Visitor’s Center, 2 p.m., Prudence Crandall’s Legacy by Donald Williams.
For more information or to register for programs, stop by the library, call 860-668-3896, check, or follow us on Facebook. All of our programs are free! Most of our programs are funded by The Friends of the Kent Memorial Library. Become a member! Please register for programs.
Line Stock Market Game For Teens
Monday, beginning October 1, and ending Saturday, December 8. Students can work individually or form teams to spend $100,000 in virtual money to build a diversified investment portfolio of stocks. Trades happen in real time so students experience how real-world events impact the capital market. A $25 cash prize will be awarded to the top team or individual funded by The Friends of the Kent Memorial Library.
Polka Dance Instruction!
Friday, October 12 at 5:30 p.m. at Father Ted Hall, Sacred Heart Church, 446 Mountain Road there will be polka dance instruction with Edanse Company & Ballroom instructors. Put on your dancing shoes so you can learn how to polka in a one-hour instruction. The polka dance step was introduced in France and England in the mid-1850s. It is described as a fast waltz combined with the vivacity of the Irish jig. It sounds complicated but it is fast, dizzying and so much fun. Come join us. Sacred Heart Church is sponsoring a Polish night of food and polka dancing on Saturday, November 17. By taking this class, you could be a polka star!
Chess For Kids in Grades K-12
Mondays, starting October 15, 5:30 to 6:30 p.m. at the Senior Center. Four weeks of free instruction. Participants should plan to be at each session. At least 16 children need to sign up.
Author to Discuss Day Hiking In New England
Monday, October 15 at 7 p.m. at Suffield Senior Center.
Join author Jeff Romano for a presentation showcasing day hiking opportunities throughout New England. Jeff will discuss the region’s best hiking destinations, share advice, provide insights, and answer questions on how and where to plan your next hiking adventure. The presentation will also include information on New England wildflowers, birds and other wildlife. Born in Connecticut, Jeff Romano is a lifelong New England resident who has been hiking for more than four decades. He is the author of three hiking guide books: Day Hiking New England (2015), 100 Classic Hikes: New England (2010), and Best Loop Hikes: New Hampshire’s White Mountains to the Maine Coast (2006). Published by Mountaineers Books, these publications will be available for sale after the presentation. Jeff has also published numerous outdoor articles for the Boston Globe.
Author to Discuss Her Book on Hormone History
Tuesday, October 16 at 7 p.m. at Suffield Senior Center. Author Randi Hutter Epstein discusses her book Aroused; the History of Hormones and How They Control Just about Everything. Anyone who signs up for the program will receive a free copy of Aroused. Brimming with fascinating anecdotes, illuminating new medical research, and humorous details, Aroused introduces the leading scientists who made life-changing discoveries about the hormone imbalances that ail us, as well as the charlatans who used those discoveries to peddle false remedies. Epstein exposes the humanity at the heart of hormone science with her rich cast of characters, including a 1920s doctor promoting vasectomies as a way to boost libido, a female medical student who discovered a pregnancy hormone in the 1940s, and a mother who collected pituitaries, a brain gland, from cadavers as a source of growth hormone to treat her son. Along the way, Epstein explores the functions of hormones such as leptin, oxytocin, estrogen, and testosterone, demystifying the science of endocrinology. Randi Hutter Epstein is a medical writer, author and journalist, who has written for publications such as The New York Times and The Washington Post. She is also a lecturer at Yale University and an adjunct professor at Columbia University’s Journalism School.
Author of Suspense Novels to Speak
Wednesday, October 17 at 6:30 at the Second Baptist Church. Author Hank Phillippi Ryan. She is the on-air investigative reporter for Boston’s WHDH-TV, winner of 34 Emmys and a nationally bestselling author of 10 mysteries with many literary awards including five Agathas and for her book, The Other Woman, the coveted Mary Higgins Clark Award. Critics call her “a master of suspense” and “a superb and gifted storyteller.” Hank’s newest book is the acclaimed standalone psychological suspense thriller Trust Me (August 28, 2018), which Suspense Magazine’s reviewer calls “By far one of the best thrillers I’ve read in years.”
B.J. Smith Book Discussion
Wednesday, October 24 at 6:30 at 61 Ffyler. B.J. Smith discusses William Krueger Kent’s book Iron Lake.
Saturday, October 20 at 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. at the Senior Center. Lots of fun for kids and parents who love Halloween. Face painting from 10-12, balloon twisting from 10:30 to 12:30 and Spooktacular Live Animals from 10:30 to 11:30. Scarecrows, snacks. Come join us!