The Land Conservancy’s South Grand Street property has gone through some recent reclamation work this past spring and summer. The 60-acre property was given to the Land Conservancy by the Tennessee Gas Pipeline as part of their wetland mitigation program last fall. We are happy to announce that so far a new parking lot space has been created for a few vehicles to utilize. There has also been the addition of gravel for the road leading to the parking lot, with a new fence at the end.
It is the Land Conservancy’s goal to delineate and remove invasives in the cropland fields to deter them from seeding in 2019. As recommended by the Army Corps, if the removal work is successful then we will seed wildflowers in the meadow to attract native birds, bees, and butterflies. Another goal is to create a path around the outskirts of the field to allow for a walking trail on the north side that will overlook Stony Brook.
On the property you can enjoy many types of flora and fauna. Greeting you at the entrance to the parking lot is a containment of beehives and honey bees hard at work. You will find them sipping water out of small puddles nearby to cool off in the heat. Large white oaks, pines, oaks, maples, grey birches and cedar trees are just a few species that dot the land around the meadow. Right past the parking entrance you are welcomed by the first large meadow, outlined with goldenrod and evening primrose. The trail will begin here and will line the perimeter of the meadow as well as a portion of Stony Brook to encourage bird watching. Signs and a kiosk will be added when trail work is done to display paths that visitors can enjoy.
The Land Conservancy will be continuing our work on the South Grand property and encourage volunteers to join us in helping to create this beautiful space. The work will begin on Sunday, October 14 at 9 a.m. The property location can be found about a mile down the road from the Airways Golf Course heading South towards East Granby. Across from a large open field, you will see a small gravel driveway on the left off of South Grand, just before the entrance to a residential property. The driveway will lead you down the path to the parking lot where we will meet. Please make sure to come with bug spray, long pants and boots.